Published: September 23, 2024
WIT Legal, LLC

WIT evaluates every new ITC Investigation to ensure we are prepared to meet our clients’ needs. Recently, WIT’s ITC Practice Team examined statistics across numerous categories and compiled insights to create a report that offers an exclusive look at Chief Administrative Law Judge (CALJ) Clark Cheney. Our inaugural ITC report provided data around 2023’s proceedings at the ITC, and the second edition looked at ALJ Bhattacharyya’s record. This new in-depth judge report, WIT ITC ALJ Spotlight: Chief Administrative Law Judge Clark S. Cheney, offers insights into CALJ Cheney’s background, experience, and his work as a Commission judge.

WIT’s comprehensive analysis informs our ability to assemble expert teams for our clients involved in ITC proceedings and sheds light on CALJ Cheney’s unique perspective as Attorney Advisor for the Commission and Assistant General Counsel for the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative before assuming his role as a judge.

This report examines the key insights from that process that we think will be of interest, highlighting:

  • His Professional Background
  • General Work
  • WIT’s Technology Classification of Investigations
  • Investigations by Key Events
  • Ground Rules Evolution
  • And More

The next part of this series will cover ALJ Cameron Elliot.

Enter your information to receive a download link to the full report, and stay tuned for future installments in our ITC report series.

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