Financial Technology

Advancements in financial technology have transformed traditional banking, commerce, and finance, driving companies to protect and expand innovation that disrupts the market.

At WIT, our experience working on complex litigation for emerging technologies provides us with a unique understanding of the trends to watch in financial technology. Our testifying experts have fintech expertise that encompasses legacy systems and regulations through modern payment infrastructure and digital currency. They were carefully selected for their knowledge, experience, and ability to communicate effectively to address a range of issues in complex matters. 

Our Experts

WIT’s Fintech Expert Team is comprised of world-class academics, industry executives, and former government regulators who can address issues involving:

  • Banking Technology
    Open APIs, Core Banking Integration
  • Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies
    Bitcoin, Smart Contracts, DeFi
  • Data Security
    Encryption, Data Privacy Compliance
  • Digital Payments
    Mobile Wallets, POS Systems
  • Market Dynamics
    Digital Banking Adoption, Fintech M&A
  • Regulations and IP
    Financial Compliance, Patent Licensing
  • Trading Platforms
    Algorithmic Trading, Market Infrastructure
What are some of our other areas of focus involving advanced technologies?
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