
The gaming industry presents a rapidly growing platform for e-commerce and a driving force for intellectual property disputes, antitrust litigation, contract issues, and M&A activity. Innovation sparks competition in the development of game controllers and systems, gaming apps, virtual reality devices, and more.

Our focus on the gaming industry allows us to bring together independent testifying experts under one virtual roof to address issues in complex legal disputes. We represent world-class academics in computer science, information technology, engineering, communications, and mathematics and industry experts who have first-hand knowledge and expertise in gaming platforms, app ecosystems, PC distribution markets, antitrust measures, and the interaction between the platform, user, and developer.

WIT identifies litigation trends, anticipates our clients’ needs, and provides testifying experts to parties in disputes. Our gaming experts have worked with over 1,000 brands, from small, independent studios to top 10 companies, and have consulted and testified on cases involving significant players in the space.

Mobile Gaming

Mobile gaming has officially cemented itself as a dominant force in the gaming industry. With mobile games now making up more than 50% of the gaming market worldwide, this technology has carved a significant and growing space in the sector.

WIT represents testifying experts who have decades of experience in the gaming industry.

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Our Experts

WIT represents experts who are world-class academics, industry experts, and former government regulators who were carefully selected for their knowledge, experience, and ability to communicate effectively. Their expertise covers:

  • AI in Gaming
    Procedural Generation, NPC Behavior
  • Game Development
    Game Engines, Asset Creation
  • Game Distribution
    App Stores, In-App Purchase Systems
  • Gaming Platforms
    Consoles, Cloud Gaming Services
  • Networking
    Multiplayer Systems, Network Behavior
  • User Interface
    HUD Design, Player Accessibility
  • VR and AR
    Virtual Reality Systems, AR Integration
What are some of our other focus areas in technology?
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